Swim Equipment

Swimming goggles are practically important part of your swimming gear. It protects your eyes from damage and see where you are going.  There are lots of styles of swimming goggles, so consider the fit when you are buying.



Swim caps are worn in order to protect loose hairs which fall from the scalp of swimmers who are not wearing a cap. Competitive swim caps are made of tightly fitted silicone, latex, or lycra that hugs the skull of its user, providing cover for his or her hair. This reduces drag in the water caused by loose hair. During longer swimming sessions, a swim cap keeps the head warm.



Kickboards is a bouyant use to support a swimmer’s upper body and arms while allowing free kicking movements. There are many types of kickboards. Most are made of foam and come in a variety of shapes and sizes.  Using a kickboard for drills in swimming can improve you leg strength. Kick your legs to propel yourself around the pool while your upper body floats on the water.

Swimming fins is a way for swimmers to improve kick strength, ankle flexibility, body position, and go faster during a swim practice. Fins or flippers come in hundreds of shapes, colors, fastenings, and sizes; different fins will do different things for (and to) you. Short or small bladed fins, allow you to maintain a foot speed closer to your regular kicking speed with no fins.

Pull buoys are figure-eight shaped pieces of foam, though they come in other configurations, too. Pull buoy is a point of a pool tool that it helps you focus on a particular aspect of your stroke. So when you’re pulling, pick one part of the pull — hand entry, catch, elbow, release point, etc. — and pay attention to it.


Swim paddles can help you get a feel for your buoyancy in the water and allow you to use it in a way you might not have before. Adding paddles to either swimming or pulling can increase speed and feel, making some stroke flaws more obvious. Using paddles also adds an extra load to the workout, which can result in improved conditioning






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